Islamabad, The meeting of the Ambassador of Kenya Nyambura Kamau with the Federal Minister of Health Dr. Nadeem Jan held in Islamabad today.
The meeting agreed to strengthen cooperation in the health sector and also agreed to ensure signing of MoU in health sector between the two countries on a speedy basis.
The MoU includes the promotion of laboratory medical tourism in the pharma sector, including health systems integration and emergency response Dr. Nadeem Jan said
Recently, the Prime Minister of Pakistan has met the President of Kenya William Samoei Ruto in which he said, we welcome the expression of interest by the government of Pakistan to enhance trade relations with a focus on pharmaceutical products and medical equipment and we also look forward to strengthening our cultural relations.
Ambassador agreed to promote mutual cooperation in the meeting.
The Global Health Security Summit is being held in January, the Minister of Health presented an invitation to the Ambassador of Kenya to participate in Global Health Security Summit.
The aim of the conference is to prepare low-income countries to face the next global pandemic, Nadeem-Jan.
Health is the basic right of every human being, We have to create such a system that no one is deprived of this right, Nadeem Jan
This is the purpose of health security, Access to fair distribution of vaccines should be made possible, Dr Nadeem Jan
Developing countries will have to work together so that vaccines are not manipulated, Dr Nadeem Jan
Pakistan has shown excellent performance in the Corona epidemic,the United Nations should benefit from our experiences
Dr. Nadeem Jan.