Islamabad, Ministry of Commerce, Government of Pakistan launched its Look Africa Policy in 2017-18 to enhance economic focus on African countries and strengthen trade ties. Under the policy, first Pakistan Africa Trade Development Conference was held in Nairobi, Kenya on 30th-31st January 2020. The event was inaugurated by H.E the President of Kenya and it was attended by Trade Minister of Kenya, other Kenyan and East African Community officials and delegates from 26 African countries, including South Africa. Second Pakistan Africa Trade Development Conference was held in Lagos, Nigeria on 23rd Nov, 2021. On the 24th -25th November, Single Country Exhibition was organized which was widely attended by Nigerian and ECOWAS Businessmen. 101 companies from Pakistan exhibited their products. The event was inaugurated by the Governor of Lagos State and the Trade Minister of Nigeria.
Now, Federal Minister Commerce, Mr. Syed Naveed Qamar is organizing third Pakistan Africa Trade Development Conference and Single Country Exhibition in Johannesburg, South Africa from 29th November-1st December, 2022. The Government officials and businesspersons from the 16 SADC member states as well as representatives of SACU and SADC secretariat have been invited to attend the conference & Exhibition. The Conference will be held on 29th November followed by the Single Country Exhibition from 30th Nov-1st December 2022. Around 130 Pakistani companies will be exhibiting their products from different sectors.
The objectives of organizing this event include showcasing Pakistan export sectors to SADC member states, to provide opportunity for B2B, G2G, G2B meetings, to start meaningful engagement with South Africa, SACU and SADC, to create awareness among Pakistan Businessmen about opportunities available in SADC member states, to develop linkages with Regulatory Authorities, to establish banking channels, to find out opportunities of Joint Ventures and to enhance Trade in goods/Services.
A delegation comprising of around 225 exhibitors and business persons from Pakistan representing twenty major sectors are visiting Johannesburg to participate in 3rd PATDC. Business delegates of Pakistan are from the following sectors.
Potential sector:
1 Rice
2 Textile & apparel
3 Seafood & Meat
4 Fruits & Vegetables
5 Spices
6 Processed Food
7 Salt
8 Cement
9 Pharmaceuticals
10 Surgical instruments
11 Sports goods
12 Paints & Chemicals
13 Articles of Plastic
14 Articles of Leather
15 Footwear
16 Articles of Iron & Steel and Cables
17 Cutlery & Kitchenware
18 Home Appliances
19 Electro-mechanical machineries (pumps, generators, transformers, motors etc.) 20 Tractors, two & three wheelers and auto parts