Islamabad, As the ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran, its matter of pride for me to congratulate all the lovers and admirers of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Pakistan and other parts of the world on the 44th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran.
From the very beginning of the movement, the Iranian nation pursued sacred goals in its movement, which manifested in three words: independence, freedom and Islamic Republic, and rooted in the basic principles of resistance and stability.
By the grace of the Almighty Allah and the efforts and resistance of the brave and patient people, today Iran is witnessing the unique growth and prosperity of the country in all the fields: including science, industrial technology, military etc. Iran has attained amazing achievements. Despite the unprecedented and inhumane sanctions, conspiracies, treachery, sabotages and hostile efforts to create hurdles in the path of the growth and progress of Iran and to prevent the Iranian nation from reaching its goals and objectives, Iran has become stronger and more determined, more resolute and dynamically continues to step on the path of progress, development and prosperity of the Islamic homeland.
The February eleventh is the anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, and now the brave nation of Iran is preparing to celebrate the 44th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution, which triumphantly overcame the hardships and difficulties through the history and now moves forward determinedly in the whirlwind of the events. The adversities and scourges of the era, tears and sufferings, the sorrow of the loss of our loved ones and the cruel pressures have made us more resistant and determined. The Iranian nation is determined to determine its own destiny and the destiny of the future generations, the realization of human dignity, the exaltation of its national, religious and cultural ideals and values.
While I am celebrating the 44th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in the last year of my mission in Pakistan, I am witnessing more solidarity, solidification and strengthening of the relations between the two countries in all fields. The governments and people of the two countries are well aware of the importance and value of the friendly relations with each other, and we are witnessing its crystallization in the deepening of friendships and comprehensive development of relations and ties.
Pakistan and Iran are two brotherly and friendly countries with a strong historical background of links and civilization, historical, ethnic, linguistic, cultural and religious commonalities. These commonalities, along with the unique capacities and opportunities in the two countries, should lead to stronger economic and commercial relations. Both countries should take a step forward to benefit from the available opportunities, including in the energy tourism sector and other sectors.
Today, the solidarity and friendship between the two countries of Iran and Pakistan promises the realization of the common goals of the two countries and the pursuit of common interests in the region and the world.
Lastly, I emphasize that the Islamic Republic of Iran has always conveyed the message of peace and friendship to everyone and calls for the development of relations, elimination of misunderstandings and all-round cooperation.