Muzaffarabad, Prime Minister Azad Jammu and Kashmir Sardar Tanveer Ilyas Khan while terming Imran Khan as the essence of the party has said that there was no room for minus one formula in the PTI. “Imran Khan is the leader of the nation, he has become an ideology and you can’t minus the leader or ideology from the party”, the pm said while talking to a private channel here on Wednesday. He said that Imran Khan has no personal agenda except a strong, stable and prosperous Pakistan.”He is the man who challenged the status quo in the country and generated a wave of optimism amongst the masses in particular the youth” he said adding that Imran Khan rose to global fame at the age of 19 and became known as a good sportsman. He said that the PTI was united under the leadership of Imran Khan. The PM said that every party wanted him to join their party. “I was even offered that I contest elections from Rawalpindi, but after much thought, I decided to support Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Imran Khan”,, he said.
Terming Imran Khan as one of the most blessed persons, he said that Imran Khan’s popularity was increasing day by day. Khan’s only dream, he said, was to fix the problems being faced by ordinary Pakistanis.”Imran Khan gave extraordinary projects like Shaukat Khanum and Nimal University and”, the PM said, adding that the people of Pakistan will continue to support and follow him in future.